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HealthCap News


“May Measurement Month 2023” by CUHK

Share your love and care to our elderlies
Date: May 1 - May 31, 2023

May Measurement Month (MMM) 2023 Hong Kong” is organized by The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Thanks to CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation for sponsoring the blood pressure meters!  Working together, with OIWA and Tung Chung Safe and Healthy City Community Services Foundation also, we delivered the blood pressure meters to the elderlies in need in Lamma Island.


“May Measurement Month 2022” by CUHK

Share your love and care to our elderlies
Date: May 1 - May 31, 2022

May Measurement Month (MMM) 2022 Hong Kong” is organized by The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and The CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC). In order to support this meaningful event, a donation of HealthCap Blood Pressure Monitors will be sponspored for every eligible purchase of HealthCap Blood Pressure Monitor at our website from 1 May to 31 May 2022. 

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Hong Kong TDC International ICT Expo

Date:27-30 October 2021

DeepHealth, as an exhibitor, has partaken in the Hong Kong TDC International ICT Expo, which was held in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. In the exhibition, we showcased our centre health monitoring solutions to the commercial and non-profit organisations

“May Measurement Month 2021” by CUHK

Share your love and care to our elderlies
Date: May 1 - June 30, 2021 

May Measurement Month (MMM) 2021 Hong Kong” is organized by The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and The CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC). In order to support this meaningful event, a donation of HealthCap Blood Pressure Monitors will be sponspored for every eligible purchase of HealthCap Blood Pressure Monitor at our website from 1 May to 30 June 2021. 

MMM 2021 Master Program

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(Traditional Chinese only)

HealthCap Magazine is launched!

Date: February, 2021 

HealthCap Magazine is available now!

Fabulous content are: 

  • Remarks for blood pressure measurement accurately 

  • How to use HealthCap to record blood pressure in an easy way 

  • HealthCap User's sharing on blood pressure management with HealthCap

  • How to reduce sodium intake against hypertension  

  • How data science can increase the accuracy to differentiate the high risk group of hypertension

  • How to download HealthCap 

Subscribe to get the full version of our e-Magazine, for latest news and promotions!

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(Traditional Chinese only)

Gernotech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES)

Date: November 19-23, 2020 

DeepHealth, as an exhibitor, has partaken in the 5th Gernotech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES), which was held in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. In the exhibition, we showcased our home and centre health monitoring solutions, which is particularly useful amid the COVID-19 pandemic, to thousands of participants and staff from elderly centres and non-governmental organizations. 

We are also invited to exhibit HealthCap under the booth of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service to showcase how HealthCap can contribute to tele-care. We were also invited to be one of the speakers in the workshop: 'Cutting-Edge Technology in Supporting Ageing in Place' (delivered by our founder Prof. Kelvin Tsoi)

Global HealthTech Summit 

Date: November 11-13, 2020 

Start-ups, corporates and HealthTech innovators in the global digital health space were gathered in the 5th Global HealthTech Summit. Professor Kelvin Tsoi, Founder of DeepHealth, was invited to share his experience on utilizing an innovative tool, HealthCap, in the promotion of smart health management in Hong Kong. HealthCap was also showcased at the online exhibition. We were invited to join the panel discussion in the session: Ecosystem Discovery Through the Eyes of Digital Health Startups. Professor Tsoi shared about opportunities and challenges in Hong Kong ecosystem


Creative Collision 2020

Date: November 12, 2020 

Creative Collision, organized by Shared Value Project Hong Kong, is an interactive ‘non-conference’ that aims at gathering leaders from business, civil society, public sector and social innovation in building capacity for Creating Shared Value. DeepHealth was delighted to be invited to the event, in which our Director, Mr. KC Ip, had a sharing about our product HealthCap, concerning its application in the Hong Kong community since 2019, and its utility under the unprecedented challenges posed by the COVID-19.

TVB Programme: Innovation GPS

Date: October 28, 2020

Continuous blood pressure monitoring is indispensable for patients with high blood pressure. Our smart home blood pressure management solution HealthCap has made its debut on the television screen with the programme Innovation GPS, an episode that broadcasted by TVB. In the show, Our Founder, Professor Kelvin Tsoi, and our Director, Mr. KC Ip, have showcased the properties of HealthCap, including automatic blood pressure recording and health data analytic reports to the audience. 

​*Please visit HealthCap Facebook Page for the full video (Cantonese only)

CUHK Entrepreneur Day  - 

Social Innovation Weminar: Innovative Technology against COVID-19

Date: September 26, 2020

The Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Christopher Chu, and the Chief Operating Officer of DeepHealth, Miss Lemy Wong, have made a sharing session regarding the notions of developing HealthCap and its application in the Hong Kong community. HealthCap utility in supporting health telemonitoring during the difficulty times in the COVID-19.


CUHK Entrepreneur Day -

CUHK Entrepreneur Competition

Date: September 25, 2020

HealthCap, an innovative digital health management platform, was presented in the CUHK Entrepreneur Day 2020. With HealthCap, DeepHealth Limited had made to the finals in the 4th CUHK Entrepreneurship Competition. 


Facebook Live

Date: August 28, 2020

DeepHealth has hosted a Live event, which was broadcasted on platforms of ZOOM and Facebook. Professor Kelvin Tsoi, the Founder of DeepHealth has shared insights from the latest research findings concerning hypertension and the importance of utilizing digital health tool, namely HealthCap, in monitoring individual health in the community. The Live Broadcast session has attracted audience from healthcare, welfare sectors and the public individuals.

​*Please visit HealthCap Facebook Page for the full video (Cantonese only)

Press Interview by Unwire.Pro

Date: August 6, 2020

Title: Blood Pressure Data Platform aims to reduce the medical burden in Hong Kong

Read more (Cantonese only)

Press Interview by Hong Kong Economic Journal

Date: July 20, 2020 

Title: A professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong kickstarted a health management app “HealthCap” in hopes of preventing the development of stroke and heart diseases

​Read More  (Cantonese only)


Press Interview by Hong Kong Economic Times

Date: July 20, 2020 

Title: A professor from the Chinese University of Hong Kong utilizes big data to analyze the current situation of hypertension

Read more (Cantonese only)


Facebook Live

Date: March 22, 2020

HealthCap was introduced via Facebook Live organized by Happy Retired, a Social Enterprise in Hong Kong. Let’s check it out! 

​*Please visit Facebook Page for the full video (Cantonese only)

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