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Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring

ABPM can let users understand the whole day's blood pressure situation and find out the potential risks of their health situation.

1) Easier to identify 'Real' hypertension
2) Detect abnormal situations (esp. during sleeping time)
3) Detect Afib and prevent heart disease earlier

Why should you carry out
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring?


1) Easier to identify 'Real' hypertension
It is called 'White Coat Effect' if you have higher blood pressure in hospital than at home.

*Through ABPM (clinically validated), it is easier to identify if you really have hypertension


2)  Detect abnormal situations (esp. during sleeping time)
Clinically, measuring the blood pressure variability is more important than diagnosis hypertension because people with high blood pressure variability tend to have more serious situations.  

People with low blood pressure during day time but have a higher blood pressure during night time (esp. sleeping time) have a higher risk of getting cardiovascular diseases

*Through ABPM, we can detect abnormal situations and prevent cardiovascular diseases.


3) Detect Afib and prevent heart disease earlier
Afib is a kind of Arrhythmia.  People who have Afib have 5 times more risk of getting Stroke and one-third of them do not have any symptoms

*Through ABPM, we can detect Afib and prevent cardiovascular diseases (e.g. Stroke) earlier.


Services Process 

-HealthCap will contact you for the appointment after the payment.
-Services (set up and return) will be conducted in HK Science Park
-Monitoring time is 24 hours, a portable device will be given to you during the period.
-The device will measure your blood pressure regularly and doesn't affect your daily life (e.g. work and shower)
-User will receive the ABPM report within 3 working days.
-We can refer you to doctors if needed.

How to purchase?

ABPM (Once)

HKD $1,600

Free HealthCap premium version
(Record ABPM report)
(Value: HKD$200)


Know more about HealthyU Membership
(ABPM + lots of benefits)


-No refund will be made after payment.

-You can also pay by bank transfer, please email us for more details.

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